Utica-Shelby Rebels Football and Cheer Club is a youth sports club offering children ages 5 - 12 in the Utica and Shelby Township area, a chance to learn how to play and love the sports of football and cheer. We believe that each and every child has untapped potential and we are on a mission to release it.
We believe that on the field and mat, our athletes learn valuable core lessons in life. Lessons on winning and losing, sportsmanship and respect, hard work and responsibility, on brotherhood/sisterhood and loyalty. Most importantly, they learn a love for the game. We believe in pushing our athletes so that every one of them can reach their truest potential and walk away from every single season proud of their accomplishments, with memories and friendships that will last a lifetime.
The Utica-Shelby Rebels are proud members of the NYFL which consists of Lake Orion, Davison, Oxford, Clarkston, Lapeer and Stoney Creek.
Our players aren't just members of a team or squad, they are members of our community. We believe that sportsmanship doesn't stop at the edge of the field or mat.
It was in late August of 2019 Greg and Stephanie Hadfield along with Shelby Smith sat down after seeing the negativity and disappointment in youth sports and came to the quick solution that it was time...time to create something different. Greg took on the role of President, Stephanie as Cheer GM and Shelby as Secretary. The group spent countless hours at the dining room table figuring out the next steps...wanting to be a part of something big.
Many said they couldn't do it, that they would fail and never win anything. This was the fuel that led to the name of the REBELS! Our founding board members vowed to never allow the negative and spiteful people of this world to keep them down.
Later in 2019 as the group began to plan the future they met with Members of the NYFL. With open arms the league accepted the Rebels into their league. The group quickly added Ken Brown as Football GM and Jennifer Wooten as Treasurer. It was exactly the kind of positive people the team needed to get things underway. Other youth teams like the Berkley Steelers, Oxford Jr. Wildcats and Birmingham Patriots were big supporters of the new team offering equipment and ideas to get things started.
The teams first name was the Shelby Rebels but then later added Utica to their name. The City of Utica led by Mayor Gus Calandrino had opened their arms to the Rebels and it seemed fit to change the name to honor the cities overwhelming support for all kids in the area.
2020 would have been the Rebels first year as registrations were starting to pile in. But due to the COVID pandemic the season didn't happen. The Rebels never waivered and stayed focused on doing what they said couldn't be done. The club added Bobby Gott as Vice President to help secure their future. Most of all the 2020 kids came back to work hard in 2021.
In 2021 the Rebels took the field for the very first time. What a day it was to see the gorgeous Blue, Silver and Red take the field and sideline. The Rebels consisted of the most amazing 55 football players and cheerleaders you could ask for. The football season was a long one as new coaches and players learned the game through lots of sweat and tears through some of the hottest temperatures anyone could remember. The football team didn't post any wins that year but they played tough every down. The cheerleaders hit the mat and were hands down the best looking uniforms around. At their Mini Cheer Event the Lady Rebels wasted no time. The freshman team took 1st place and JV took 2nd place. But it really was the smiles, laughter and memories that made the entire season worth it.
In 2022 the Rebels numbers blossomed. We grew to 122 boys and girls who all wanted to give their best for their teammates. Not only did the Rebels start to win...our Freshman Red team won the Super Bowl against the Stony Creek Cougars. It was an amazing undefeated season. Through this the entire program realized...this is really happening...we can do this!
For 2023 the club added Brandon Hoef as Football GM and a host of new coordinators to help get this season off to the right start. The 2023 season had tons of great excitement. The Rebels fielded 3 JV football teams. The JV Red team made a trip back to the Super Bowl and took runner up. The Rebels Freshman team made the playoffs and for being such a young team showed many they had what it takes to not take them lightly. The Lady Rebels Freshman took 2nd at both Mini and Mega Cheer while the JV team took 3rd at both events. It was a great season full of memories for a lifetime.
For the 2024 season the Rebels are 158 strong of the best kids. For only have two age groups in this league the Rebels are one of the largest in the area. The Rebels added Cait Ristau as Secretary, Kelly Beard as Treasurer and Michael Ahearn as Football GM when Brandon Hoef moved up to VP. This year was full of tons of success. 3 Football teams qualified for playoffs, two of which won their division. The JV Red team went on to win the Super Bowl. The Lady Rebels took 1st at Mini Cheer and 2nd at Mega Cheer. The Hadfield's decided to hang it up and retire from youth sports. They were so thankful for all the support and love along the way.
The story for 2025 is underway.
Email us at shelbyrebelsinfo@gmail.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Typically the official season starts the last week in July and ends the first week in November each year. We will have some camps and workouts that are optional however in the spring and mid summer.
Practices are held behind Eppler Jr. High School in Utica. The Rebels are in the works to create their very own practice field!
The first four weeks of the season we practice 5 days a week Monday thru Friday. Once the first game starts, we drop down to 3-4 practices depending on weather and field availability. We also have film review for the football players as scheduled by the football coach. All practices are 6-8pm generally. There are no weekend practices.
Each coach may have some specific team rules for attendance but our club mandates you give notice to your coach. No call No shows may result in missed playing time. We suggest planning your vacations prior to the end of July but always keep your Head Coach advised along the way.
Our home field is at Swinehart Stadium which directly across the street from Utica High School. Our away games are in Oxford, Lake Orion, Lapper, Davison, Stoney Creek and Clarkston.
The games are held on the weekends. Most games are on Saturday but due to field availability sometimes we have to play on Sunday. Usually the games start as early as 9am and late as 5pm.
Our cheerleaders compete in two major events during the season called Mini Cheer and Mega Cheer. They also are the loudest on the field at each game.
Our registration cost for 2025 is...
Football $350
Cheerleading $300
We do have payment options available when you register.
You can elect to partake in the fundraising buyout but if not, all families must help in our fundraising efforts. This keeps our registrations costs down as low as we can.
YES!!! This is a 100% volunteer organization. Each year we have a few spots of volunteer work to be done at each game. We schedule it so you can still see your child compete.
You will be responsible for your athletes footwear and cup (athletic supporter). All other mandatory equipment is handed out for use during the season. The game jersey is yours to keep!
You will be responsible for your athletes game footwear and competition footwear, bodysuit, spanks, socks (no show white). Stay tuned for specifics before you purchase as they are some particulars that apply and will be addressed by the Cheer GM.
We are always looking for good people to help mentor our youth. Head Coaches are selected by the Football and Cheer GM and approved by the board. Each Head Coach can pick his own coaching staff to assist them. If you are interested in coaching email our Football or Cheer GM's.
All new players will be placed on a team if room exists. There are no tryouts. You can request to be on a particular team which will be reviewed by the board. Most of the time this is to assist in a child getting to practice with a friend who may play, or he or she may be related to a particular coach. Requests will be honored if it meets club needs, players with brothers or sisters who have been placed on a team will be given priority.
Head coaches are responsible for placing the athletes in positions they can...
1. Succeed in. 2. Grow and Develop in. 3. Help their team accomplish goals.
This is a competitive league where we push kids to reach their potential and develop a love for their sport. We balance each athlete's growth and success and effort in a team atmosphere. We remind them each day that every position is open every day and to go out each day giving their best. Some kids take time to gain confidence and skill. Some it seems to come naturally. Kids grow a lot in their abilities over their lifetime in these sports.
Once you pay for registration there are really no other costs besides fundraising and any equipment addressed above.
However, we do require a check which is held in escrow until equipment is returned and volunteer commitments are met. As long as you turn in equipment and volunteer for your share of spots to be filled, we will not cash that check.
If you get placed on a waitlist a few things can happen. If we get enough for a second or third team in that age bracket, then we simply make a new team. Again, keeping roster sizes for football lower is a good thing for playing time. If for some reason we cannot create the additional team you may be granted a place if any drops occur. In the end if you are not placed on a team then you will receive a full refund. This usually occurs around June of each year.
Drop us a line to cheer us on! Got an idea for an event? Well, send that to us too. We will get back to you as soon as possible. Consider this your Suggestion/Comments Box.
We look forward to seeing you at our next game!
Utica-Shelby Rebels Football and Cheer Club
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